
How Long To See Results From Gym 3 Times A Week

Unit 12- Part A

galka.jpgNosotros apply for and since to say how long something has been happening.

We apply for + a period of fourth dimension (two hours. half dozen weeks etc.)
We use since + the start of a period (8 o'clock. Mon. 1999 etc.)12.2.jpg

It is possible to leave out for (but not ordinarily in negative sentences):
They've been married (for) x years.   (with or without for )
They oasis't had a holiday for x years. (you must use for)

We do non use for + all … (
all day / all my life etc.):
I've lived hither all my life. (non for all my life)

Unit of measurement 12- Part B

Unit of measurement 12- Part C

galka.jpg We say 'It'southward (a long time / 2 years etc.) since something happened':
It'southward two years since I concluding saw Joe. (= I haven't seen Joe for two years)
It'southward ages since we went to the cinema. (= We haven't been to the cinema for ages)

Yous can enquire 'How long is it since … ?':

How long is it since you last saw Joe? (= When did y'all last run into Joe?)
How long is information technology since Mrs Hill died? (= When did Mrs Loma die?)

You tin also say 'It's been (= It has been) … since … ':

It'southward been two years since I concluding saw Joe.


{slide=1 Write for or since.}flag.jpg Write for or since.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    since
iii    for
four    for
5    since
six    for
7    since
eight    since
9    for{stop-tooltip}

1    It'due south been raining since lunchtime.
2    Sarah has lived in Paris _______ 1995.
3    Paul has lived in London _______ x years.
4    I'yard tired of waiting. Nosotros've been sitting here _______ an hour.
5    Kevin has been looking for a chore _______ he left school.
6    I oasis't been to a party _______ ages.
vii    I wonder where Joe is. I haven't seen him _______ last week.
eight    Jane is away. She's been abroad _______ Friday.
nine    The weather is dry. Information technology hasn't rained _______ a few weeks. {/slide} {slide=2 Write questions with how long and when.}flag.jpg Write questions with how long and when.
{tooltip}Cardinal.{end-link}2    How long has Kate been learning Japanese? When did Kate first learning Japanese?
iii    How long have you known Simon? When did you first meet Simon? / When did yous and Simon first meet?
4    How long have Rebecca and David been married? When did Rebecca and David get married? / When did Rebecca and David marry?{end-tooltip}

ane    Information technology'southward raining.
(how long?)   How long has it been raining?
(when?)   When did information technology start raining?
two    Kate is learning Japanese.
(how long / learn ?) __________________________
(when / start?) __________________________
3    I know Simon.
(how long / you / know?) __________________________
(when / you / first / run across?) __________________________
four    Rebecca and David are married.
(how long?) __________________________
(when?) __________________________ {/slide} {slide=3 Read the situations and complete the sentences.} flag.jpg Read the situations and complete the sentences.
{tooltip}Key.{terminate-link}3 He has been ill since Sunday.
4 He has been ill for a few days.
5 She got married a year agone.
half-dozen I've had a headache since I woke upward.
seven She went to Italy 3 weeks ago.
8 I've been working in a hotel for half dozen months. / I've worked in a hotel for six months.{end-tooltip}

one    Information technology's raining. It's been raining since lunchtime.
It   started raining at lunchtime.
ii    Ann and Sue are friends. They first met years ago.
They've   known each other for years.
3    Joe is ill. He became ill on Dominicus.    He has _______________ Sun.
four    Joe is ill. He became ill a few days agone.    He has _______________ a few days.
5    Liz is married. She'south been married for a yr.    She got _______________.
6    You accept a headache. Information technology started when you woke upwards.
I've _______________ I woke up.
7    Sue has been in Italy for the last iii weeks.
She went _______________.
8    Y'all're working in a hotel. You started 6 months ago.
I've  _______________.{/slide} {slide=4 Write B'south sentences using the words in brackets.}flag.jpg Write B's sentences using the words in brackets.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2 No, I haven't seen Sarah / her for virtually a month.
iii No, I oasis't been to the cinema for a long time.
4 No, I haven't eaten in a restaurant for ages. / No, I oasis't been to a eatery for ages.
half dozen No, information technology's about a month since I (terminal) saw Sarah/her. / No, it's been near a month since …
seven No, it's a long fourth dimension since I (concluding) went to the movie house. / No, it'south been a long time since …
8 No, it's ages since I (last) ate in a eatery. / No, it's been ages since …    or    … since I went to a restaurant.{end-tooltip}

1    A: Practise you ofttimes continue holiday?
B: (no / five years)   No, I haven't had a holiday for five years.
2    A: Do y'all ofttimes see Sarah?
B: (no / well-nigh a month)  No, ____________________________________
iii    A: Do y'all ofttimes go to the cinema?
B: (no / a long time)  ____________________________________
4    A: Exercise y'all often consume in restaurants?
B: (no / ages)  No. I ____________________________________

At present write B's answers again. This time utilize It's … since … .

v    (1)    No, information technology's five years since I had a vacation.
six    (2) No, ______________________________________
7    (3) ______________________________________
8    (4) No, it's ______________________________________


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